If you own a South Florida business, you own something worth protecting. The good news is there are many ways you can protect your business from risks such as break-ins, employee theft, property damage, and more. The following are just some of the basic steps Elite Guard recommends to maintain your business’ safety, whether in Palm Beach, Broward, or Miami-Dade…

1. Have Secure Locks on ALL Entry Points

It seems simple, but you would be surprised how often a business can overlook vulnerability points like securing all access. Walk the property carefully and look for any possible place where someone could gain entry. If there’s a way in, it should have a secure, quality lock, or be otherwise secured.

Well-placed, quality locks (like double-cylinder deadbolts or steel padlocks) are one of the best ways to keep your property free from intruders. You may want to commission a locksmith, rather than researching and installing locks on your own. You’ll feel safer, and be more secure, by working with a professional.

2. Install Security Cameras (virtually everywhere)

No reason to be coy about it, just strongly consider installing security cameras strategically on your business property. Obviously, cameras are vital for catching thieves or intruders in the act (even, or especially, after hours), but they can also help you keep an eye on your employees in the worst-case scenario of having to review someone’s action. No matter the perpetrator, make sure they get the justice you deserve.

3. Select and Train Your Employees Carefully

Among the best actions you can take to protect your business is choosing your employees thoughtfully. A rigorous screening for new employees should include thorough background checks. If someone’s past is questionable, that the time to find other options, not after they’re on the books.

It sounds heartless, but if you have any doubts about hiring someone, don’t. You will be more secure in the long run if you take the time to find candidates that don’t give you a reason to worry right off.

Additionally, be sure to train your employees on how to avoid and protect against theft, such as how to spot shoplifters, and maybe offer incentives for those who do protect your company and property. Properly training your staff on what to look out for and how to handle/report suspicious matters can make a big difference in the security of your company.

4. Avoid Giving Any One Person Unlimited Access

Checks and balances exist for a reason, even for the most trusted or senior employees. They may have been with your company for years, and you may even consider them a friend, but many lapses happen because someone has had absolute trust extended.

Elite Guard recommends that you put safeguards in place to keep everyone safe and honest. Institute a policy of documenting when people are in sensitive areas or for signing out valuable equipment, for example. Protecting your business often comes down to simply being vigilant.

5. Hire a Security Officer

Locks, cameras, good hiring practices and training can all help keep your business secure, but there are few better solutions than having a trained guard looking our for your interests. A security officer can provide on-the-ground protection and a real-time response to any threats. Your South Florida business will be safer when someone is present to monitor potential problems (and find solutions).

It is this sort safety knowledge and attention to detail that has made Elite Guard the most respected security service in South Florida since 1983. From security services to concierge services to security training and more – we will keep you and your business safe. Increase your security today by calling 1-800-975-GUARD, or Contact us here to find out more!

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