5 Benefits of CCTV Cameras for your Condos in 2022

5 Benefits of CCTV Cameras for your Business in 2022

CCTV cameras have become a necessity for condos and residential buildings. Closed-circuit Television or simply known as CCTV allows you to monitor the ongoing activities inside and outside of the residential property. Security cameras extend beyond your ears and eyes, which allows you to monitor the residential property and its people. According to Springer, CCTV cameras reduce crime by 21 percent. Installing CCTV cameras not only allows you to monitor your condos but also provides peace of mind for your homeowners and visitors. Keeping all things in mind, we have shared some amazing benefits of installing CCTV cameras for condos in 2022 and beyond.

1.  Deter Internal and External Theft

Installing CCTV cameras on your condos will deter intruders and thieves from your property premises. If an intruder detects your CCTV camera, then she/he will think twice before making a move or robbing your property. The presence of a CCTV camera conveys a sense of danger and the presence of the law, discouraging anyone trying to commit a crime.

Furthermore, there are some instances where people residing in condos are involved in theft or any mischievous activities. They will think twice before doing something illegal knowing that a camera is watching their movements and activities.

2. Provide Evidence 

Your company’s CCTV system can assist in identifying offenders and bringing them to justice. Capturing your burglar or suspicious activities on video is more valuable than simply triggering an alarm. Despite knowing the presence of a security camera, there are still a few people who will try to rob your place.

CCTV footage serves as an amazing piece of evidence and leads gathering. Police can use the footage to find the culprit and take necessary action.

3. Improved Community Image 

When visitors notice that your facility is secure, they get a favorable impression. This may not result in an instant rental, but it may cause potential tenants to recognize your facility as more attractive. When the time comes for them to locate a new place to live, they will think favorably of your multifamily complex. Furthermore, if you install more security, other landowners may follow suit, resulting in a safer community with decreased crime.

4. Require Little Maintenance

Another significant advantage of CCTV over other security methods is that it requires little to no upkeep. Once installed, you can count on them to secure and monitor your house and family for years to come, with only an occasional wash down and check-up from a professional team.

5. Reduce Insurance Cost

If you have efficient and secure systems and CCTV in place, most insurance providers will charge a reasonably modest cost for homes. Taking efforts to safeguard your property minimizes the probability of it being destroyed or vandalized, which lessens the possibility of you having to file a claim, allowing the insurance company reviewing your policy to drop your charges.

In a nutshell, the benefits of security cameras positively impact homeowners, visitors, and the community. The presence of security cameras has prevented countless condos from getting exploited and robbed. If you are planning to install a security camera or security technology for your condos or residential property, Elite Guard is the best place to look. You can get in touch with us via our online form or simply call us at 305-956-9520.